Remember that each month, you’ll be able to build more sites for more clients, getting that sweet upfront fee…
...But you’ll also be getting the even sweeter ongoing monthly fee for hosting and maintaining the websites you’ve already built!
You see, the website business is built on recurring revenue. You should always charge your clients an upfront fee for building the website, plus a monthly fee for hosting and maintenance.
Your clients are going to have changes they want to be made to their website, and you should get paid for that!
(And if they have no changes in a given month, congratulations, you just made a pure profit.)
Suppose you charge a bargain-basement price of $500 upfront for building a client’s website. You can also charge $100/month for hosting and up to 1 hour per month of website updates.
With the Rapify 20x 10 Site Plan, that totals $5,000 for your “hard work” of building 10 sites.
Next month, you can make another $5,000 from building 10 more sites… plus the $1,000 you made from Month 1’s monthly fees, totaling $6,000.
Month 3, you can make another $5,000 upfront plus $2,000 in monthly fees from the 20 sites you built in the first two months.
It just keeps growing from there.
Monthly or surprise last-minute website changes are no longer a pain in the you-know-what!
240 Full Multi-Page Websites for High-Demand Businesses:
Maid Services
Carpet Cleaning
Lawn Care
Garage Doors
Home Inspection
Home Security
New Home Builders
Pest Control
And Many Many More
All Integrated Into Rapify Pagebuilder
Full Hosting For Rapify Websites
5 Site Credits Per Month
30 Day Risk-Free
Worry-Free Guarantee
Low Price: $57/mo
Best Deal
240 Full Multi-Page Websites for High-Demand Businesses:
Maid Services
Carpet Cleaning
Lawn Care
Garage Doors
Home Inspection
Home Security
New Home Builders
Pest Control
And Many Many More
All Integrated Into Rapify Pagebuilder
Full Hosting For Rapify Websites
10 Site Credits Per Month
Unused Credits Rollover Into Your Next Month
30 Day Risk-Free
Worry-Free Guarantee
Low Price: $67/mo
Are the additional 240 website templates hard to install?
Do I need to provide content for the 240 website templates in Rapify 20X?
No! All the Rapify 20X templates include complete text and image content, in perfect English and ready to use.
Is Rapify GDPR Compliant?
Is Rapify Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Complaint?
Is it difficult to use the website hosting included in Rapify 20X?
Can I use Rapify hosting for other websites?
How do the credits work?
Do my unused credits roll over to the next month?
Is this built on WordPress?
Can I put Google My Business reviews on the website?
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